'Synchronicty - meaningful coincidences'
One of the segments in Look Both Ways is titled 'Synchronicities'. To synchronise can mean to come together to do/achieve something. In action flicks we often see the characters synchronise their watches so that they can come together at a certain place in time at an exact moment to ensure they have achieved their goal.
In Look Both Ways Watt's presents to the viewers the syncronicities that are occuring within the lives of the characters. The characters appear to have come in to each others' lives for some reason, be it fate or destiny, to aid each other in their journey towards understanding the meaning of life. They are supposed to, and need to be, connected to each other at these particular times in their lives. They find meaning in knowing the other person, or their story, and this helps them to recognise what is important to them. Meryl and Nick are seeking stability in their lives at a time when they feel nothing has turned out as it should have by the age they are now. Andy and Anna, whilst distraught at the prospect of having a baby, find it redirects their negative perspectives on life and offers them the chance of a new beginning.
Find a more detailed discussion of what synchronicity means at Michael Jura's website. His discussion is titled; 'Coincidence? I think not - Life's little chance encounters to guide you towards your dreams'.
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